circle of green fabric, 9cm in diameter
green felt, 10x10cm
green sewing thread
green embroidery cotton (I used pearl cotton 8)
black embroidery cotton
toy stuffing
plus the usual needle, pins, scissors etc

1. Using the green sewing thread, sew running stitch around the edge of the green fabric circle, 0.5cm (1/4”) in from the edge, gently pull the thread to begin gathering, add some toy stuffing to fill the sprout, and pull the thread tight to close, add a few stitches to secure. Before trimming the thread, add a couple of stitches half way up the sprout, running all the way through from side to side. Pull the thread a little tight to bring the sides inwards, this is to give the sprout an oval appearance rather than circular.
2. Cut three sprout leaves from the green felt. Decide which area of your fabric sprout will face front, and begin attaching the leaves, one to each side, and one to the back. Anchor each leaf at the base with a couple of straight stitches then embroider the leaf veins using straight stitches in the green embroidery thread. Next, pass the embroidery thread up through the top center of the sprout. Create a loop, large enough to allow the sprout to hang from a Christmas tree, pass the thread back down through the sprout, and out via the gathered base. Now add the circular felt base to hide the gathering and where the leaves are attached, by sewing a star shape in straight stitches, as per the image below.
3. Add a face to the sprout, using the black embroidery cotton. Two french knots for eyes, and a single straight stitch for a mouth, with enough slack so it curves into a smile.
Your brussel sprout tree decoration is now complete and ready to adorn your Christmas tree. Make as many as you want!
t e m p l a t e s etc...
click the download button below for the template pdf